miércoles, 27 de noviembre de 2013

Remarkable selling experience-feedback

It has been more than 3 weeks since I have been searching for running shoes, compared prices, brands and quality levels. One day I go to Fitzroy on Johnson street(Melbourne) where all the oulets are located. 
I visited them all, but it was when I entered Adidas that my heart started to beat.The ambience of the store, the smell and of course the shoes. There were 3 models that I liked and I found it difficult to decide, one was red(favourite colour), the other one blue and trendy meanwhile the last one was just ultimate with an innovative soil. 
Would I go for the colour I like? What about the performance? All this questiones passed through my head when a lovely shop assistant explains the benefits of some shoes to a customer nearby. Seeing her expertize, I asked if she could give me some information. With a big smile, she came and asked me to take off one shoe and put the barefoot on the ground. She looked at it and her diagnostic was that I gave a medium plane sole. 
Her feedback was like going to a doctor that takes interest in you and first and has a look at your appearance before prescribing a drug. Then, she asked: What do you want the shoes for? Do you want them to last for a long time? After getting all this information she compared all the 3 models I have selected and highlighted the benefits  but said that the blue ones are going to fulfill my requirements. 
At this point she left me alone to have a better look at all the shoes. After 2 minutes she saw me with the blue shoes on and encouraged me to go for a run inside the shop so that I can try them out. 
Once at the counter she said that the colour looks extremely good and the model is a very good one. I commended her for the professionalism she showed and said that you really know your product. Her reply was: ´´I have to´´. This is the correct attitude if someone wants to be successful in sales and in life. Make the customer feel welcomed, invite him to test it out(even go for a run test) and when at the counter reinforce his decision so that he will be pleased spending money with you rather the competition.

viernes, 22 de noviembre de 2013

Startup Blog by Steve Sammartino

Living, studying and working in Melbourne, I had in my mind one objetive: to meet Strategic Planners. You know, those minds that are in charge of the strategy of an advertising agency. Sometimes they are called Account Planners. But in this particular case, I had the priviledge to meet personally: Steve Sammartino, Director of Strategy.

He has been an inspiration for me thanks to his blog, StartupBlog that I follow on a weekly basis because it provides many tips regarding business ideas, apart from planning and strategy.

I would mention just a few of the ideas I found interesting and beneficial:

  • He motivated me to learn a 5th language: "time to start something worth starting"
  • Instead of a Master, start your own start-up project. You will learn far more and would be a more valuable experience given its practical side and 110% need of involvement.
  • Positive attitude with vision for new projects and start-up accelerator 
As a flashback, it has been an excellent ocasion to meet Steve and talk about his vision regarding the advertising world and the way it will change in the future. He gave real life examples of how things are working and the way consumers have changed the way they use media. Explaining the on demand TV viewing, YoutTube phenomenon and other implications.

The part that I most enjoyed is that he is so human and down to earth. A person with a wide network that knows how to use the tools and technology around him. Steve is a person full of energy and enthusiasm. 

All the best for your future projects.

Where do you get your inspiration from?

Are you following any blog?

Where do we start?

jueves, 7 de noviembre de 2013

Das Park Hotel-sewage pipe hotel room

Having seen posted a picture of Das Park Hotel in Austria has drawn my attention to investigate more about this eye catching idea They have converted sewage pipe segments into hotel rooms with a touch of style.
Along with pictures from the designer Andreas Stauss with more inspirational ideas for your next project.

This concept made me think about other similar builings: container houses. See 22 Most Beautiful Houses Made from Shipping Containers

Have you got more ideas for your future home?